Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Photo: A very old photo of Sabarimalai

Sabarimala in 1942

Source: Web

This photo was taken in the year 1942, you can see the huge tree in front of the temple, which stands to this date. This is taken from the northern side of the temple, Karuppaswamy temple is also visible near the 18 steps. A Very rare photo.

Photo: Beautiful picture of Maha Swamigal

Divine Serenity Abound!!!

Oh! There are no words to express the divine serenity that one see's in this photo. This is a drawing and not a photograph. This was on the cover of a tamil book "Kanchi Mahan Aruliya Arputhangal" written by R.Venkataswamy. I am planning to publish excerpts from this book in this blog...Soon. This book contains heart melting accounts of experiences that devotees had in Maha Swamigal's shadow.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Article: Parent's Role In Helping Children Grow

Helping the children to grow

Childhood is the most crucial stage in the development of one's personality. Every child is a potential genius and the real growth essentially comprises actualisation of these potentialities.

The process of unfolding the genius talent in the child is however, a stupendous task with scores of hindrances trying to thwart the rather ceaseless struggles being waged knowingly and unknowingly by every child in that direction.

Power comes from knowledge; and development of a childs personality is basically a process of evolution of knowledge in him.

The moot point is where knowledge will be available for the child to acquire. The reply comes loud and clear from all genuine systems of philosophy.

Chief amongst them being the Gita and Patanjali's yogasastras which hold that in the whole of this 'universe', there is only one repository of knowledge and that is the heart of man.

Contrary to popular belief and teahings of materialistic school, knowledge is not something to be imported from outside one's being but is subjective which is alredy lodged inside one's heart.

Sage patanjali Yogasutra's using a beautiful metaphor says that just as a lake full to the brim with water is ready to discharge its water to irrigate the agricultural fields and the farmer requiring this water needs only to cut some channels on its banks, so also the heart of man holding infinite knowledge is waiting to suffuse one's personality with knowledge but emanation of the knowledge is prevented by a barrier surrounding one's heart and developing knowledge in a child basically comprises tearing this barrier through appropriate means.

A question naturally arises as to what constitutes this barrier. Answer comes from philosophy and pshycology that it comprises numerous disturbing thoughts in one's mind generated by desires for securing the pleasant and avoiding the unpleasant.

The mind is compared to a lake termed metaphorically as manas-sarovar or mind lake with the mind stuff called 'chitta' compared to the water and the thoughts called 'Vrittis' rising in the mind compared to the waves in the late.

It is further premised that just as water of a lake buffeted by strong waves becomes turbid, so also the 'Chitta' under the action of these violent waves of desires turns dirty and it is the combination of these waves and dirt that constitute the barrier to the flow of knowledge.

Even as the glow of a resplendent jewel lying at the bottom of a turbulent ad muddy lake is not revealed without its water becoming free from the waves and the dirt, so also the lamp of knowledge eternally shining in one's heart is not revealed without mitigation and elimination of the viel cast by the disturbing thoughts and dirt of desires for the pleasant and aversion for the unpleasant, followed by a desire for good.

The waves in the mind lake originates from Samskaras or impression of the past action lodged in one's mind.

Quite opposite to popular belief and the teaching of western philosophy, the mind of a new born is not a tabularasa or a blank slate where the impressions or sanskaras of the various objects and activities of the world are to be carved with knowledge acquired by the child through its own efforts or teachings of elders; but it is the other way round, with the impression of knowledge of the entire universe already imprinted at the time of birth on his mind awaiting manifestation in various aspects including his health and character.

Perceptions of the exernal world acquired by the child himself or provided y teachers in schools or elders at house and society are not knowledge but serve only as hintd to the mind to reveal the knowledge already inside him.

As far as character of a child is concerned, these revelations take the form of evil or good tendencies as the hints are good or evil and it is here that the parents and elders have the most significant role to play.

Controlling the tendencies in a child requires control over his mind.

Seat of mind is in the heart and the whole issue of generating the desirable tendencies in a child hinges upon reaching his heart.

The heart is ensconced inside various sheaths materials, vital, sentimental and intellectual forming one's personality and is to reached only by penetrating these sheaths. These sheaths are formed of very subtle matter which can be pierced only by the subtlest matter available in the world, whose name is Love.

The power of anything on the earth is proportionate to its subtlety. Love being the subtlest of all is the most powerful object in the universe and it is the ultimate weapon to vaquish the evils in anyone and especially the child.

It is common knowledge that the language of love is understood by every creature including the children, the illiterate and even the animals, not to speak of the erudite.

Love to a child does not consist in giving clothes or good food or caressing. It comprises mainly of two factors in the behaviour of the elders; One being abstinence from fault finding and the other making no excessive demands from the child for studying lessons or for making competitions with others.

Faults in the child are not his own making but generated by certain demonaic forces working in his subconsious mind beyond his control.

Every child is straining himself to rid his mind of these evil forces and needs the help of the elders in the process. Fault-finding serves only to frustrate his efforts and strenghten these forces.

Making strident demands on the child to study lessons or making competition only serves to cause anxieties in a child.

On the other hand the wishes of loving parents or elders are transmitted to a child without any verbal or other types of instructions and would be complied by him without any hesitation.

One hears of men, tigers, lions and goats living in peace and harmony in the hermitages of the sages of yore which was possible only through the love emanating from the sages and penetrating the minds of these beings without any word of mouth.

Fear is the greatest enemy of man. It tends to benumb one's energies and capabilities. Fear is a inborn defect in a child and it is the duty of elders to rid the child's heart of this defect. Elders should desist from the usual practice of inducing fear of the police or goblin to compel him to do one's bidding. Fear can be banished only by inducing 'Shradha' or faith in oneself. i.e. Faith in one's infinite capabilities.

'Atmanam biddhih' - Know thyself is the clarion call of the scriptures and one of the greatest messages to be transmitted by the elders to a child's heart to banish fear and rouse manliness in him.

The next important point for the elders to remember in bringing up a child is to refrain from rebuking or punishing him for displaying evil tendencies or committing guilt which are caused by factors beyond his control.

It is an inexorable law of the universe that anything created can never be destroyed but can only be changed to another form. Suppression of the evil tendencies is fraught with dangers, as it only serves to sharpen them. Manifesting as wickedness or guilt externally, these tendencies are actually waves or Vrittis on the surface of the Chitta-Lake and when prevented from manifestation by rebukes and punishment, they go down to the sub-conscious mind at the deep of the chitta-lake, gains in strength, make alliances with its likes and sooner or later manifests in a stronger or more dangerous fashion either in its original or in modified form. All forms of suppression actually leads to increase in crimes.

We are faced with a big conundrum with our desires to banish evils in the child but without the weapon of punishment and rebuke usually employes to achieve this end. This can be solved only by following the scriptural message of inducing the opposite thoughts or Pratipaksha Bhavan through the method of Athavad or holding before the child the happiness achieved by others through good deeds and misery befalling those inducing in bad deeds.

Example is better than precept and it is the conduct of the elders, not their words that the children tend to emulate.

The Gita says that whatever is done by the foremost men, others also do.

Parents are the foremost in the eyes of the children and it is basically their conduct that moulds the conduct and character of the children.

All evils in the world originate from egotism and selfishness and it is the egoistic and selfish thoughts or actions of the parents and the elders that are responsible for wickedness in the children.

Instead of trying to correct a child through rebukes or punishment. It should be the aim of the elders to free their own thoughts from these two demonaic qualities.

Thoughts which are subtle form of actions are actually very subtle electric forces that emanate for man's minds like the air of their breath and influence the mental encironment that exist in the external universe just as the physical environment.

The tender love which when bestowed upon children can give them the strength capable of moving mountains.

Author: Maheshwar Pathak
Source: Bhavans's Journal (Dec'09)

Photo of Maha Periyava

A beautiful photo !!!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Events: Maha Periyava Jayanthi 2010 - Day 6


117th Jayanthi Celebration Of Kanchi Maha Swamigal - 2010

Today was Maha Periyavas 117th Jayanthi Celebrated. There is a whole lot of activities planed for the whole day. Following are the events organized.

Aavahanthi Homam
Sooktham , Upanishad Parayanam
Mahanyasa Poorva Ekadasa Rudhra Parayanam
Rudhra Homam
Abhishekam to Ganesha, Lord Shiva and Maha Periyava
Maha Deeparadhanai
Thiruvillakku Poojai
Social Program
Maha Periyavas Veedhi Ula
Maha Deeparadanai & Prasadam

I reached there around 7 in the morning, Oh God, the atmosphere was just divine with the morning sunshine slowly increasing its shine, the temple was drenched in homam smoke and parayanam. Samajam people were still busy completing the decoration (They have been working whole night). Even this early temple people were distributing sweet pongal which was piping hot. Then one by one the crowd started to gather and sun god also came to witness the celebrations (It was so HOT). Temple people were constantly distributing buttermilk, coffee and tender coconut water also.

Click the below video to see the celebration

Afternoon 12:30 there was a sumptuos Annadhanam, It was so tasty that i ate so much i couldn't move about. It was very fulfilling (Periyavas prasadam).

Evening, there was a vilakku poojai and few blessed souls got the oppurtunity to take Maha Periyava as a procession on their shoulders, What punyam these atmas should have done !!!

With this the celebrations for this year drew to a end,eagerly waiting for the next Jayanthi Celebration.

|| Hara Hara Sankara , Jaya Jaya Sankara ||
|| Hara Hara Sankara , Jaya Jaya Sankara ||
|| Hara Hara Sankara , Jaya Jaya Sankara ||

Events: Maha Periyava Jayanthi 2010 - Day 5



Today there was a Vishesa Koottu Prarthanai held along with a SatSangam. Then there was a 2 hours Guru Bhajan performed by BrahmaSri Sri Sattanadha Bhagavathar and party.

The whole atmosphere was upbeat with the feiry bhajan and all preparations getting underway for the final day celebration of Maha Periyava Jayanthi, 28-May-2010 is the 117th Jayanthi Day of Shri Mahaperiyava.

As told by one devotee, for all Periyava Bhaktas this is the deepavali, this could be very well realized from the happy mood of all the people gathered there.

There were annadhanam items coming in to the temple, some people were busy decorating the temple premisis, Children were happily running around and all this at the backdrop of the Guru Bhajan which was very upbeat.

Hara Hara Sankara Jaya Jaya Sankara

Events: Maha Periyava Jayanthi 2010 - Day 4


Today there was a Bharathanatyam performance by TAPAS Foundation, Valasaravakkam, Chennai, India.

Events: Maha Periyava Jayanthi 2010 - Day 3


Apart from the usual pooja which served as a visual treat, there was a treat for the ears as well in the form of a carnatic music recital by veteran Ambasamudhiram Shri Ganesa Bhagavathar. Shri Ganesha Bhagavathar has been singing in every month's Anusham Nakshatram (Periyavas Janma Nakshatram) Koottu Prarthanai and Sathsangam. Today there was a full 2 hours of melodious music from him.

Hara Hara Sankara Jaya Jaya Sankara

Events: Maha Periyava Jayanthi 2010 - Day 2


The summer heat was no deterrent to the crowd that gathered to drench in the vocal music by Satthur Sisters (Mrs. Latha & Mrs. Bhuvana).

Accompanying them were noted violanist Mrs.Lakshmi Venkatraman and playing his fingers on Mirudhangam was Mr. Kallidai Kuricchi Sivakumar.

They gave a splendid performance by singing various alapanas and finally sang half a dozen songs on Maha Periyava.

These songs are available in CD form and all the proceeds from the sales of these CD's are given to Orikkai Manimandapam project.

Hara Hara Sankara, Jaya Jaya Sankara.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Events: Maha Periyava Jayanthi 2010 - Day 1


This year is 117th Year of Kanchi Mahaswami's jayanthi, Sri Guru Paduka Samajam (www.srigurupadukasamajam.org) along with siva vishnu alayam in Natesan Nagar, Chennai, India have arranged for a week long celebration. Similar celebrations are conducted in all adishtanams and a special homam is organised in Maha periya manimandapam in orikkai.

Day 1 witnessed a heart melting discourse on Maha Periyava Mahimai by Bhramasri B Sundara Kumar. By Guru's anugraham (Blessings) i could listen to the discourse. There was a decent gathering of about 100 people. Periyavas murthy was decorated and placed on a raised mandapam. The discourse was supposed to start at 7 PM but there was no current in the entire locality, and luckily by 7:15 electricity was restored and within few minutes the upanyaskar arrived, he was invited with purna kumba and he started the discourse after performing arthi to Maha Periyavas Murthy.

Some excerpts from the lecture.

- Some historians conceive that Adi sankaracharya in one's span of life could not have achieved work of this magnitude and hence it is possible that all these achievements could have been done by different persons with the same name 'Sankara', and because of the name it is attributed to Adi Sankara.

All their notions are based on one small doubt that one person cannot achieve so much, for all of them our Maha Periyava is a befitting example, his contribution to sanatana dharma can be compared with that of Adi Sankara's contribution.

- He has raised the bar so high for following sanyasa dharma that no one has or can equate his austerity.

- He lived a life so pure and simple just to show us the path and to prove that all that is told in the shastras are still valid and can be followed.

- Every religion have their own religious book (Bible, Quran etc.) but a single book cannot be prescribed for hinduism since this encompasses thousands of practices (bhakthi, yogam, mukhthi, ayurvedam, mantram, thantram, jnayanam, puranas, ithihasas etc). Hence a single book cannot be said to be a conclusive reference for hinduism, but this drawback also was fulfilled in the last century. Maha swamis discourses were all compiled and released as a set of books under the name 'Deivathin Kural' (Voice of god). This can be taken as a single book for the whole sanatana dharma, there is nothing else in hinduism which is not discussed and explained the book

- Adi sankarar's mother asks sankara, what is the path to attain mukhthi. Sankara says that in kali yuga bhakthi is the only recourse available since all other paths (jyanam, karma etc) will be difficult to follow and attain. She futher asked him what is the way to attain bhakthi, for which he answers there is only one way and that is by the krupai of a true Guru. She asks him how to find a suitable guru, adi shankara in his viveka choodamani tells the lakshanas (identities) of a true guru some of which are listed below.

1. A true guru does not bother about earthly comforts

2. He does not treat even those who insult him or inflict harm on him as a enemy, since he sees everything and everyone as parabhramam

3. He is full of compassion and sympathy

4. He is a stithapragyan (This is a big topic for discussion as to who is a sti-tha-prag-yan)

5. He always follows the path of sathya and dharma and urges others to follow the same

This is all i remember now, there were many more. i will try to recollect and update later.

- Maha swami was in the sanyasi peetam for more than 87 years and in all these 87 years he has never travelled by modern means of transport, he would travel (even when he was in his late 90's) only by foot. he used to travel in his early years by a palaquin but in his late thirties started his yathra's only on foot. This is one of the sanyasa dharma, likewise he followed and never slipped from any of the dharma and set a example to the fellow beings to follow one's dharma strictly.

- What we see as miracles are but the work of god which happen very naturally, likewise there used to happen miracles every minute in his sannidhi and he always used to put the credit on kamakshi or other gods, as if he has nothing to do with what is happening around him.

Upanyaskar mentioned several instances of his personal experiences which shine like sides of a diamond. All these will make this a very lengthy post.

Finally when the discourse drew to a completion there were many wet eyes and melted hearts. Day 1 concluded with prasadam distribution.

May his radiance shine and remove the darkness of ignorance from our hearts

Jaya Jaya Sankara, Hara Hara Sankara.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Events: Adi Shankaracharya Jayanthi 2010

Adi Shankaracharya's Jayanthi on 18th May 2010

The name Adi shankaracharya can be taken as a synonym for sanatana dharman. What we now know as hinduism is actually sanatana dharma. Even our shastras do not mention the name Hinduism. This religion is actually sanatana dharma and the name Hinduism was coined be persians for people living along the sind river and were called sindhus, and in the course of time this got called as hindhus and the religion became to be known as hinduism.

According to shankara vijayam, Lord Dhakshinamurty took avatar as Adi Shankaracharya, Lord Dhakshinamurthy is the primal guru according to vedanta sampardayam. His mode of imparting knowledge was by complete silence. The education he teaches is beyond not cognizable by our logical thinking, this is atma vidhya or hridaya vidhya which is cognizable only by our hearts.

When he looks at this world he is pained to see that his children are livng in a thick jungle called Ajnaya (ignorance) and moreover there is a forest fire which is samsara (family life). He decides that it is high time to disolve his silence and he needs to help his children come out of this forest and fire, and he takes avatar as Adi shankaracharya.

Coming back to Adi shankaracharya, he was born in a beautiful south indian village called Kaladi in kerala. His parents were childless for a long time and prayed to lord shiva, and in both their dreams lord shiva appears and asks them do they want a child with long life or a divine brilliant child with a short life, they choose to have the divine child and Lord shiva blesses them with a baby boy.

Since this child is born with Lord Shiva's blessings, he is named as Shankara. DUring his childhood he goes for collecting bhiksha according to his bhramacharya dharma, one day he comes to the doors of a poor bhramin lady and asks for bhiksha. The poor bhramin lady heart sinks because there is nothing in the house to offer to this boy who has come like little subramaniya. And she finds and offers a small nelli fruit, seeing her plight, Shankara's heart melts and composes and sings the Kanaga Dhara Stotram on Goddess Lakshmi. Pleased by Shankaras Stotram, Lakshmi pours gold coins through the roof.

At the age of eight, shankara wants to take up sanyasa because that is the purpose of his birth, but his widowed mother does not agree to it. One day when taking bath in the river a crocodile gets hold of Shankara's leg and pulls him down the water, His mother is shocked to see this and starts screaming, Shankara tells her that this is by divine intervention and if she agrees for his sanyasa this crocodile will spare him. Shankara's mother with heavy heart allows him to take Sanyasa and the crocodile also releases its hold on him. (According to shastras one should take sanyasa only with the permission of his mother)

Then shankara travels to north india in search of a guru and finally finds him in kasi. At that time there were more than 70 various religions and they were all against the vedas and they wanted to proclaim that there is no god, this was the apt time for the lord to take avatar and save the vedas as he had done during his earlier avatars (macha avatar etc).

Adi shankara wrote commentary for all the vedas and some of the note worthy ones are sivananda lahari, soundarya lahari, viveka choodamani, bhaja govindham, advaitha pancharathnam, vedanta navaneetham etc and countless stotrams; and preached advaitha
philoshophy throughout the country. he won over all the religious leaders in debate and established the sanatana dharma that we follow today. All these festivals that we celebrate are all because of adi shankaracharya, if he had not taken avatar then this whole religion and dharma we see today will not be existing.

It is said that he once had more than 16000 disciples and of them 4 were very prominent (Sureshwaracharya, Thotakacharya. Thotakacharya wrote the famous thotakashtakam)

Then he established 4 muths in various parts of the country and began the linage of shankaracharya monastry, in this linage is the 68th acharya (fondly known as periyava), when the vedas and dharma again began to decline, dhakshinamoorthy once again has taken avatar as chandrasekarendra saraswathi swamigal.

Once Adi shankaracharya had firmly established advaita philosophy and sanatana dharma throughout the country, he attained jeeva samadhi at the age of 32.

In 2010 his jayanthi was celebrated on 18/May/2010, in chennai, india his jayanthi was celebrated in Siva Vishnu temple in Natesan Nagar, chennai. The events included a discourse on Adi Shankara by Dr. Ramakrishnan, Nama Jabam, Thotakashtakam recital and aradhanai (See pictures below).

This marked the beginning of Mahaperiyava jayanthi celebrations, Mahaperiyavas jayanthi falls on 28/May/10. A Week long celebration is planned including a discourse on mahaperiyava by Bhramashri Sundarakumar, Music, Dance, Kootu Prarthanai, Procession, special abhisekam etc.

I will try to post all the happenings to max possible extent.

One thing that i wanted to share from todays discourse is that, there are many things that we can learn from adi shankara and few are listed below.

1. Even though Shankara attained sanyasa, he had performed the last rites to his mother, which is not listed in sanyasa dharma. Here he shows that gratitude we need to show towards our mother who had carried us for 10 months, then had tirelessly performed all services to us inspite of we giving her all the hardships. For those fortunate who have their mothers they should try to make her happy and not leave her in the age old home (even if involves sacrifices). Then for those who are not fortunate enough to have their mothers with them, they should perform ammavasai karma every month and give shartham once a year without fail. Even today in Gaya, after we give all the pindas, there are 16 pindas separately given for mother, one for each sloka and a cause.

2. No matter how learned we are we cannot attain realisation without the grace of a guru, even though sankara was a avatar of lord shiva, he went in search for a guru and get grace. So we must all strive and pray god to bless us with the grace of a guru

3. We must be willing to part with what we consider ours for good deeds, once a kabaligan (a sect of people practicing harsh rituals) wanted adi shankara to give his head for ritual and he was readily willing to give his head, but was saved by his guru.

Learn more about adi shankara from the following links.

There is a discourse on Sankara Vijayam (in tamil) by T.S.Balakrishna Shastrigal at following link.

Hara Hara Shankara, Jaya Jaya Shankara
Hara Hara Shankara, Jaya Jaya Shankara

Bhramasri Notchur Venkataraman's Discourse
Dr Ramakrishna's Discourse

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Article: Want to go faster?

A plane was flying across indian ocean, a young passenger was frantically walking up and down the aisle.

An elderly passenger was amused by this man's behaviour and asked him

"Why such restlessness ?"

"I want to reach my destination fast." replied the young man

"Your frantic walk will not help you reach faster" smilingly said the elder passenger

Taken aback, the young man asked "What are your coming to ?"

The elder passenger replied "This plane is going in its designated speed, your haste is not going to accelerate the plane"

"Yes, i know! i can't help being restless. What to do ?"

"Go and sit in your place, relax, and look they are serving something. Take it and eat" Said the elderly

And further continued....

"Look here son, this world is also just like this, it is following its own rhythm, but we humans want to hasten the worlds

speed, this has resulted in so much distress"

"I do not completely get this." Said the young passenger and the elder starts to reply

"Do not be in a frantic and hurried search, there is no place that you can reach to call that a destination. Learn to live life in a natural ambience, only then your journey called life will be smooth"

The young man reclined in his seat and started pondering on this thought, suddenly he remembered a humorous anecdote.

A man was walking down a street with a piece of paper in his hand containing a address, he stopped a passer-by and asked him

"How long will it take to reach this place?"

The passer-by replied

"If you walk, it will take 40 minutes"

"If i want to reach sooner ?"

"Hmm, take a cycle you will reach in 20 minutes"

"I want to reach even sooner"

"Then go by a taxi, you will reach in 10 minutes"

"Not good enough, i want to be there in 5 minutes, is there a way out?"

"Ok, then do one thing. Do you see a dog there?, throw a stone real hard on it, it will start chasing and you will reach in 5 minutes"

Smiling to himself, the young man started to read a magazine and the plane also reached his destination. Now the young man walked in a composed manner and his speed was certainly slow than earth's speed !!!

Author : Thenkatchi Ko Swaminathan
Source : Shakthi Vikatan

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Article: Three great things in life

Three great things in life

Only by god's grace a person gets these three things in life

One : Taking birth as a human being and not a animal or a lesser life form

Two: Desire to realize the truth

Three: Blessed with a learned guru

These are the three great things one gets only by the grace of God, according to Adi Sankaracharya in his work "Viveka Chudamani"

Hence this life that is bestowed upon us is very precious, we must make full use of it to realize who we are and why we are born!!!

According to saint Avvaiyyar

Rare is it to take human form
Rare than that is to be born without being deaf, blind, dumb or any handicap
Even if you are born without any defects
Rare it is to be blessed with knowledge, education
Even if you receive knowledge and education
Rare it is to perform penance and charity
If you do perform penance and charity
The gates of heaven lay open for you!!!

Let us not waste our time in pursuing worldly pleasures which we will one fine day lose for certain, why run behind temporary excitement there is a bliss to be attained.

Sri Hari Narayana ! Sri Hari Narayana !

Monday, May 10, 2010

Article: Sage Of Kanchi

The Sage Of Kanchi - Sri Chandrasekarendra Saraswathi Swamigal.

The Kanchi Sankaracharya math is one of the principal monastic instituitons founder by Adi Shankaracharya, for the safeguarding of the vedic dharma and propagation of the advaitic discipline.

The 68th Acharya in this line of acharyas is Sri Chandrasekarendra saraswati swamigal, fondly known as 'Periyaval' (the great one). This world renowned Acharya seems to be verily an incarnation of Adi Sankara, according to scholars and thinkers who have analyzed and compared the lives of the two.

The austere and simple life led by the ancient sages of Bharat, particularly the physical endurance displayed by them in the pursuit of Dharma and self-realization, has been a subject of marvel and soubt for those who have read and heard about the sages of yore, but when one behlods the benign and calm countenance of the sage of kanchi, he can easily realise that all he has heard and read about seers of the old is but a true account.

Periyava the 68th Acharya, The sage as is affectionately called by the fortunate millions, Yes, those are forunate people who have had the opportunity to have his loving grace and see him in person. He was a true saint who lived in the 20th century even though he was the head of a great institution he never let go of his sanyasa dharma and was a beacon for the common man to lead a meaningful and dharmic life.

He was a living proof to the fact that dharmic and vedic life can still be practiced in mankind's worst times. He has been a guiding force for the transformation of millions of people.

We are all blessed to live in his era, it is solely due to him that the vedas and dharma are prevalant now, Just as Sri Krishna promised in Gita, that he will arrive when Dharma declines to its sublime low, Our great periyava had taken avatar just when our vedas and Dharma started to die and he has revived the vedas and dharma, we human kind remain ever indebted to him.

The Acharya belongs to the Hoysala Bhramin Sect. The hoysala bhramin sect migration started in the third decade of the 13th century when the hoysala rulers came to maintain a hold on kannanur (near srirangam).

Acharyas purvashrama name was Swaminathan and was the second son to Ganapathy Shastry and Mahalaxmi Ammal. He was born on 20 May 1894, at the age of eigth swaminathan was sent to , then in second form he got admitted to Arcot American Mission School.

In 1905 Upanayanam was performed. Swaminathan from an very age showed great signs of a budding genuis and a compasionate soul.

According to one incident when swaminathan was in 3rd form, one of the classmates had come late to class and the teacher punished him by beating on his legs, then he was asked to stand on the bench, for which swaminathan said "Teacher can i please stand on the bench instead of this boy, he is already suffering from pain in his legs" Such was the love and compassion he possessed even at a early age.

The 66th Acharya of kanchi was touring in the south Arcot district of Tamilnadu, occasionally Swaminathan's brother used to take him to visit the then Acharya. On one such occasion the Acharya noted the radiant brilliance of Swaminathan and thought of selecting the boy as the next head of the Math. The idea got strengthened during some subsequent visits, even swaminathan
was drawn very much towards the ascetic life.

At the Age of 13th swaminathan was appointed the 68th Acharya, before Swaminathan his cousin LakshmiKanthan was appointed 67th Acharya, but he died the 8th day after being appointed as the Acharya.

The acharya had education under various eminent scholars, but every teacher who taught him realized that they were mere instruments and the Acharya was already an embodiment of the great knowledge.

Acharya undertook his first vijaya yathra, it will be surprise to note that he embarked on Kasi yathra and covered every part of the country in the process by foot and preached dharma to the masses. This first Kasi Yathra took 21 Years to complete, yes 21 full years to complete on Kasi yathra. He undertook 3 such vijaya yathras.

This was the main catalyst behind what we now know as the bhakthi movement in our country, this resulted in all temples to be revived and people to follow dharmic life.

There are hundreds and thousands of good things he has performed without any pomp and glory. Every day there would be miracles happening where ever he went but he carefully showcased as if it was not through him but by peoples faith in the gods and goddesses.

He always wanted people to cultivate faith on the gods than any human being since one day all human beings will cease to exist but the temples and gods will always be there.

The Acharya lived a complete 100 Years and finally attained samathi on 8th January 1984. Even though he is not there physically he still radiates his presence through this divine grace on all the blessed people.

There is a fitting memorial built for the Acharya in Orikkai village next to Kanchipuram. Blessed are those who can take a squirrels part in this divine mission, imagine how proud and fortunate our grand children and great children will be when they can take pride in saying that my great ancestors were part of this great temple. Imagine how proud we will be if our ancestors had played a part in building the Great Tanjore temple or the Meenakshi amman temple.

There is a saying in tamil which goes like this "Thread radiates fragrance when a flower is tied with it", similarly in this world if we need to save ourselves from falling into the deep ravines of selfishness and unwanted influence then we all need to hold on the feet of a Guru. This Guru has taken avatar only to save us from the cluthes of the evil influence which Kali purports.

In Bagavath Geeta, Sri Krishna has said that whenever Dharma reaches its low, i will take avatar to restore it. In earlier days (Thretha Yuga etc) there were good people and there was Asuras, it was easy for the lord to destroy the Asuras and uphold Dharma, but in todays world there is no seperate good people and asuras.

The Asura bhuddi is within every human mind, so sometime the person is a very good person and very next moment he behaves like a asura. So the lord thought how to tackle this situation, he cannot kill someone when he behaves like a asura because next moment the same person behaves humanely.

So he threw away all the weapons and came down with a stick as a Guru, because since the demon is within our minds, only a guru can remove the ignorance from our minds and make us humans.

His teachings are compiled into a series of booklets collectively called the Voice of God "Deivathin Kural", the problem with hinduism is that there is no one book which can be said to describe hinduism, this was fulfilled with the compilation of our Acharyas discourses called "Deivathin Kural"

May the guru bestow his grace upon all of us and remove the ignorance from our hearts.

"Hara Hara Sankara, Jaya Jaya Sankara".

Friday, May 7, 2010

Story: The Limping Horse

A King had a favourite horse. All of a sudden for no reason, the horse started limping. The
veterinarians of the palace examined it, but could not find any clinical reasons for the defect in its legs. It became a great puzzle and problem for the king. So, he went to a saint to find a solution.

The saint saw the horse, touched it with love and made it walk. It was limping. The saint asked the king, "How do you train your horse?" The king said "By able trainers". "Did you change the trainer recently?" asked the saint. "Yes. He is an expert in science of horse training".

The saint thought for a while and asked, "Is the new trainer suffering from any discomfort in his leg?"

The king said, "Yes, he had a leg injury and he limps while walking."

The saint explained, "Dear king, this is the reason for the limping of your horse. It is imitating the trainer. Get someone who walks majestically like a horse. The the horse will also take majestic steps."

Parents and teachers should be ideal role models since children will imitate them.

Source: Tattvaloka Magazine

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Story: Horseman's four questions

Dwapara yugam was nearing its end, Dharmar was pacing towards the palace entrance looking agitated and worrisome.

Earlier, a horse trader had come to sell his horses, strangely he did not want any thing in cash or kind for his horses. instead he wanted the pandava brothers to answer his four questions corectly, failing which they have to remain trapped in a circle of defeat drew by the horseman. Pandava brothers agreed to this and failing to answer the questions got into the circle of defeat.

Shocked to hear this Dharmar now rushed to the palace to save his brothers. Brothers looked pathetic and helpless in the circle of defeat.

Dharmar pleaded with the horseman to release his brothers, Horseman was firm in his decision but offered to release them if Dharmar could answer his four questions. Dharmar readily agreed to this.

Horseman asked the first question "When i was riding into your country i saw a strange sight, there was a huge dry well, and a coin was hanging in the mouth of the well, and a huge hillock was resting on the coin." Can you explain what this sight meant?

Dharmar replied "This sight is a indication that kali yug is nearing, It means that people will drift away from righteousness, their good deeds will be the size of the small coin only, and their sins will be the size of a hillock.

It the course of time the coin (their good deeds) will be crushed by the weight of their sins and eventually they will fall into hell (well)"

Satisfied with the reply, the horseman released Beema.

"Now answer my next question" said the horseman and asked his next question.

"On the way i saw five wells, one big well in the middle and four small wells on its four sides. Water was overflowing from the well in the middle. I could see that when the smaller wells got depleated with water the bigger well allowed its water to fill the smaller ones, but when the large well went deplete, the smaller wells did not care to flow water to the bigger well" What do you make out of this.

Dharmar thought for some time and said "This again is a indication of Kali yug, The big well in the middle is the father and the four wells signify his children, the father will strive hard and sacrifice his life to raise his children and when he gets exhausted his children will not reciprocate the sacrifices and will not care for him."

Horseman was visibly happy with this reply and released Arjuna, then he continued with the third question

"Another sight i saw shocked me completely, i saw an cow drinking milk from its calf, what does this mean"

Now Dharmar realised that this horseman is the Kali Purushan and replied with tears running his cheaks.

"O Kali purusha, this is the most shocking act parents will do in kali yuga, the parents will try to make money using their children by arranging functions and collecting money from relatives. moreover some parents will also sell their children for money or send them to work and also thrust their ego on the children. They will expect their children to act in ways to satisfy their ego among their friends and society."

"You are right!!!" said the Horseman and released Nakul, and continued with his last question.

"In the forest i saw a strange animal, and it was speaking out words which was very unpleasant to hear. and it was not eating through its mouth and moreover it was eating food which sent shiver down my body. what is this animal".

Dharmar replied "O Kali purusha, it is not surprising that you witness such sights, hereafter you are going to rule this world. DharmaM will be uprooted, scholars will reject righteousness, in the name of rationalism, good life of people will be destroyed. Only lies, theft, curruption, murder.....and other evil things will prevail and become normal. People will live life only for others sake. jealousy, over ambition, war will be on the increase. Empathy will be scarce. Learned people will slip from the righteousness, all Dharmams will be brushed aside, new deseases will be on the rise, rains will fail, famine and poverty will increase, People wanting to follow Dharmams will be ridiculed....."

Dharmar continued with grief "O Kali purusha enough of this life..." and tears burst out from his eyes.

Kali purushan payed his tributes to Dharmar and said "O Dharma, i will not come till you rule and will have to eventually come once your are gone...." Saying this he released Sahadev also and went away.

Source: Shakthi Vikatan

Article: Nothing is impossible

"Super achievers do not waste time in unproductive thoughts, esoteric thougts or catastrophic thougts. They think constructively and they know that their level of thinking determines their success" - Dr. Seymour Epstein.

People who have overcome obstacles are more secure than those who have never faced them, most people who have failed to achieve something look for excuses for not accomplishing the said thing. The acheiver is one who despite obstacles never goes back but strives hard to succeed.

Rama's Single-Minded pursuit

Look at Lord Rama, His goal was to conquer Lanka and punish Evil Ravana, That goal was fraught with many dangers and involved risks, such as crossing ocean and overcoming the strength of Ravana, a powerful Demon with a large army, But Rama was an ordinary human being (THough he was a avatar of Lord Vishnu, he conducted himself as human), His army consisted of only monkeys. (If you tell something to them they do something else)

Also, Rama had no war equipment, such as chariots or horses. He had only foot soldiers.

Despite all odds, Rama went ahead, killed Ravana and accomplished the goal. That is why it is said that for achievers 'Sankalp' or determination is the main tool. Even if one has the necessary equipment/tools they are useless if their efforts lack determination.

Arjuna's Concentration

In talking about devotion, concentration, determination and passion to excel, it is worth remembering Arjuna.

Dronacharya (Dhrow-nah-char-ya), the Guru of the Pandavas and the Kauravas, taught his disciples the importance of

concentration. WHile training these young princes, especially with regard to holding a bow and arrow, he told them to concentrate -- "Think of only what you want your arrow to do, Nothing else"

Arjuna listened intently and kept practising. Drona was delighted with his practice and blessed Arjuna. Soon other students got jealousy of Arjuna.

Wih a view to demonstrate Arjuna's skills, Drona announced an archery competition.

Next day Drona laid a bird (made of clay) on a tree far away from them and asked them to aim at its eye. Drona asked one by one each student to take aim and tell what they saw, All except Arjuna said that they saw the sun, the clouds, the trees, the branches, the bird, its leg, wings and so on.

Finally it was Arjuna's turn. He plucked an arrow from his quiver, placed it on the bow and pulled the string "What do you see ahead of you, Arjuna?" asked Drona.

"I see the eye of the bird." was the reply

Drona asked "What else do you see?"

"Nothing." came the reply and arjuna released the string, the arrow shot the eye of the bird.

Such was the concentration and focussed approach of Arjuna. If we all have the passion and concentration like that of Arjuna then there is no reason why we should not achieve our aim.

Another important point is never to be swayed by other peoples tendencies to be negative and pessimistic, because their negative attitude can take away your dreams and wishes from you. Always think of the power words have, because EVERYTHING YOU HEAR AND READ WILL AFFECT YOUR ACTIONS.

The story of the Tiny Frogs

There once was a bunch of tiny frogs, which arranged a running competition. The goal was to reach the top of a very high cliff.

A big crowd had gathered around the tower to see the race and cheer the contestants.

The race began, Honestly no one in the crowd really believed that any one of the tiny frogs would reach the top. They kept on shouting that the frogs would soon give up the attempt or fall down after few steps.

The frogs began to climb, the fell down, one after another. At last, when every other frog had fallen down or given up at the attempt, one tiny frog reached the top!.

THe other frogs wanted to know how it managed to do it.

It turned out that the successful frog was deaf and was not discouraged by the adverse comments, Hence be deaf to negative and discouraging remarks.

Have Faith

There was no rain in a village for a number of days. It affected all activities and people became gloomy. The temple priests

decided to perform a jajna (Fire ritual) for rain and asked all the villagers to bring one object of faith with them, ritual got completed and ofcourse there was rain.

People curiously looked at the objects each had carried. They were touched by the variety of objects clutched in prayerful hands -- holy books, dollars of hanuman etc, in their midst was one umbrella, carried by a small boy who firmly believed that it would rain.

The moral is, when you do something, have full faith that you will succeed. Faith is the foundation on which to build your life.

Author: Dr Jagan Mohan Reddy, Asst Prof, Osmania University, India.
Source: Tattvaloka Magazine

Monday, April 26, 2010

Sri Kanchi Maha Periyava

This is my first blog and first post, starting it with the photograph of Sri Mahaperiyava.